The threat of a zombie pandemic, commonly known as a zombie apocalypse, is ever present in today’s world of widespread genetic engineering and frequent international travel. Fortunately, Amateur Radio can help minimize the impact of such a catastrophe and as such, the Central Toronto Amateur Radio Club (aka CenTor) will be offering an Amateur Radio licensing course starting May 1, 2013.
Often called “ham radio”, Amateur Radio is a non-commercial radio service that allows licensed operators to use various types of radio communications equipment to communicate with one another, both locally and around the globe, for both public service and recreational purposes. Amateur Radio operators, often referred to as “hams”, are federally licensed by Industry Canada and are allowed to use specially allocated radio frequencies to carry out their operations. Hams come from all walks of life and are located all over the world.
“During a zombie apocalypse, the only reliable form of communication would be using Amateur Radio, as cellphones and the Internet will become useless”, said Don Trynor, President – CenTor, and licensed Amateur Radio operator with the call sign of VA3XFT. “By teaching people to use Amateur Radio, we can provide them with a valuable skill that they can use in times of emergency or natural disaster to stay in communication with one another,” Trynor added. He further noted that while the likelihood of a zombie apocalypse actually occurring is very low, people who are prepared for one would also be prepared for any disaster that might actually occur.
The Amateur Radio licensing course, which will be 10-weeks in duration, will cover a variety of topics, such as basic electronics, radio wave propagation, antenna theory, regulations and operating practices, plus much more. For more information on this upcoming course, please check out the following link at: http://www.va3cta.net/pages/get-a-license
For further information, contact:
Don Trynor, VA3XFT
President – Central Toronto Amateur Radio Club
Tel: 416-262-7911
Email: trynor@gmail.com