Ham radio DMR in Canada just took a giant leap forward! On March 25th, DMR-MARC Canada announced the launch of a new virtual version of its CAN-TRBO c-Bridge, which now operates from the cloud on a server in a high availability commercial data centre in Montreal. Prior to this, the CAN-TRBO c-Bridge was a physical server located at the residence of Stephane Ricard, VE2TAX, where it worked very well, however it was more prone to downtime due to power interruptions or hardware failures. With the new virtual c-Bridge, these concerns are largely mitigated, as the commercial data centre offers redundant servers, back-up power systems and high bandwidth, low latency & diverse Internet connections – all making for a very high reliability c-Bridge for our DMR operations.
RELATED: Canadian DMR C-Bridge Launches
“We are delighted to finally see our c-Bridge moved to the cloud, making our Canadian DMR network rock solid.” said Don Trynor, VA3XFT, one of the administrators for DMR-MARC Canada. “Having a reliable c-Bridge is key to building a reliable national DMR network that can be relied upon during emergencies or times of of natural disaster.” added Don.
c-Bridges, which are manufactured and sold by Rayfield Communications, are an integral part of ham radio DMR networks, as they allow regional DMR networks to be interconnected, thereby allowing voice traffic to be exchanged between DMR repeaters around the globe. DMR-MARC Canada initially launched its network in February 2013 and has since grown to include 20 DMR repeaters across Canada, including systems in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, plus one system in the United States from northern New York state.
For more information about DMR-MARC Canada and setting up DMR repeater in your local area, please check out our DMR-MARC Canada page.